Established in 1973, the Norwalk Transit District is governed by a Board of Commissioners appointed by the mayor and approved by the city’s common council.
View the Original Ordinance (PDF)
Today, NTD provides fixed route, ADA services, on-demand, and microtransit services in the Greater Norwalk area.
NTD also provides service for the neighboring town of Westport, Connecticut. You can find out more information on the Westport Transit District site.
Norwalk Board of Commissioners
Alice McQuaid,Esq
David L. Jaeger, Jr.
Meetings of the Board of Commissioners
Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6 pm (except in November and December, when meetings are held on the third Thursday.)
Meetings are held via Zoom and are open to the public. You can find the Zoom link in the agenda. Minutes and agendas for each meeting are posted in the calendar.

Attend a public meeting.

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