Safety & Security

Safety Matters

The safety of all riders matters. From the sound maintenance of buses, to training bus operators to the highest levels, to providing the latest technology to safeguard passengers, NTD cares. Below, you will find some handy tips for safely using NTD services.

Rider Code of Conduct
  • Pay or Show your pass or mobile ticketing pass promptly upon boarding the bus.
  • Cooperate with requests from Norwalk Transit District personnel.
  • Be considerate.
  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • DO NOT, touch unattended packages, handbags or any other parcel you may find on the bus. Notify the operator immediately. If you see something, say something.
  • Keep Aisles free of all items.
  • Keep all beverages in spill-proof containers.
  • Allow transit operators to drive the vehicle safely.
  • Cross BEHIND buses, and wait until after the buses leave to cross the street.


Refrain from behaivor that interferes with the welfare of others including, but not limited to:

  • Interfering with the safe operation of any Norwalk Transit District Vehicle.
  • Endangering or threatening the wellfare of others.
  • Roughhousing & Shenanigans.
  • Profanity or offensive language.
  • Screaming, shouting or playing loud music.
  • Placing your feet on seats, seat backs or lying down on the seats.
  • Threatening, harassing or intimidating others.
  • Smoking/Vaping.
  • Spitting.
  • Possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage.
  • Drunk and/or disorderly conduct.
  • Indecent exposure.
  • Discharging a laser-emitting device on a transit vehicle, directing such a device from a transit vehicle toward any other moving vehicle or directing such a device toward any transit operator or passenger.
  • Bringing onto the transit vehicle, odors and substances which unreasonably disturb others or interfere with their use of the transit system. Whether such odors or substances are from one’s person, clothing, articles, accompanying animal, household refuse or any other source.
  • Roller skates and rollerblades cannot be worn on the bus. You may hand carry these items on board.


Anyone who fails to comply may be asked to leave the bus, lose riding privileges, and, when appropriate be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Any of these rules can be appealed by requesting appeal information from the NTD office at (203-852-0000).


The Following items are prohibited on Norwalk Transit District Vehicles:

  • Gasoline and other flammable liquids.
  • Firearms, BB guns, air guns and knives.
  • Animals (except service animals and animals that are confided to a carry-on, lap size box. 
  • Car batteries.
  • Fireworks.


  • Baby strollers, shopping carts and other items must be kept out of aisles.
  • Packages left on bus will be confiscated.
  • Please refrain from unneccessary conversation with the driver while the bus is in motion.


Traveling to and From Bus Stops
  • Please use caution traveling to or from any bus stop.
  • Always use crosswalks and watch for traffic.
  • Jay walking is illegal and can be especially dangerous to do in front of a bus.
  • Always stand back as the bus approaches and never run after a bus.
  • When getting off a bus, please wait for it to pull away before crossing the street – never cross the street in front of the bus, as oncoming traffic can’t see you and may not stop.
  • If you are traveling with a baby in a stroller, please remove the child and fold the stroller before boarding.

Safety Management Policy


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